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Starting conversations between teachers, parents, and administrators. 

Engage parents, incorporate restorative practices, and promote equity within your school community. Our AI assistants are designed to help teachers seek support for their students' social, emotional, and academic needs in their communication with parents and administration. 


Coming this fall. Join the waitlist below. 

How Can AI Support Our Community?

Transparency builds trust, but sometimes it is hard to find the time to send an email, let alone reflect on it. Our AI assistants are designed to help teachers and administrators connect to parents, students, and each other. Trained in restorative practices, our AI assistants are designed to help you and your team support your students, and help students learn to support themselves.  

Community Collaboration Portal

This summer we will be launching, our Community Collaboration Portal. Keep track of student progress, parent communication, interventions, and behavior plans. Celebrate the big moments, get personalized insights in next steps for remediation. and suggestions for assessment. Join our waitlist or alpha test our assistant to help with parent emails today. 

AI and Equity

Fostering Community Collaboration through AI Assistants 

When there is a disconnect between educational administration and teaching staff, there can be a misalignment in understanding the root causes of classroom challenges and the most effective strategies for addressing them. Addressing this systemic issue requires a shift towards more inclusive and participatory decision-making processes in schools, where teachers, parents, and students are actively sought out and valued in the formulation of strategies to support student success.


Our Community Portal offers AI Assistants to support teachers, administrators, and parents, alongside parent guides and other resources to support child development. These assistants help teachers and parents to work collaboratively to best serve the needs of their students, while combatting individual bias and misunderstandings as to what the true nature of what restorative practices are. If you would like to test drive our bot to assist with contacting home after an incident at school, click the blue chat button in the lower, righthand corner of this screen. 

If you want to see how our products can help your school: 

  • Personalize Restorative Solutions

  • Implement Data-Driven Decision Making

  • Maintain Multi-Tiered System of Support

  • Implement Efficient and Scalable Solutions

  • Empower Educators with Advanced Tools

  • Focus on Restorative Practices

  • Engage Families More Effectively



Join our waitlist today! 

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