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How Advanced Brains Helped Early Hunter Gathers Survive Their Environment 

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Topics Covered in our Social Studies Curriculum

Image by Patrick

Year One 

Students explore concepts related to self-management and awareness as they learn more about how civilizations in the ancient world adapted to meet the needs of their citizens. Reading and writing are highlighted while studying The Hero's Journey and using the Epic of Gilgamesh as a guide to creating their own stories.. 


Year Two 

Students explore topics of identity and build social-awareness as they study interpersonal relationships and nation building during the Middle Ages. Through historical and modern novels, short stories, and poems, students will explore how these topics relate to their own experiences.

Image by Louis Velazquez

Year Three 

Responsible decision-making skills are developed as students study early American history and participate in a civic engagement project that address enduring issues in our country today. Virtual fieldtrips and excerpts of early American texts support students' research skills. 

How are Our Social Studies Lesson Structured?

Each lesson is a part of a larger unit connected to a specific topic of history and development, making planning and pacing easy.


Included in each unit are: 

  • Pacing guides, complete with links to everything you need to be successful in your instruction

  • Vocabulary activities to pre-teach material and guide your students as they learn

  • Guiding questions to promote social justice in the classroom

  • Daily slides for seamless transitions between activities and additional context

  • Student handouts and graphic organizers to help students remain engaged

  • Templets for parent contact to help ensure guardians remain informed on what their children are learning in class


Click the button below to email us and learn more about how we can support teachers at your school. 

We do English Language Arts too!

Coming soon: ELA for Innovation

Why do students need to learn the grammar term if they understand how to use it? Excellent question!

By incorporating AI Prompt Engineering in our grammar lessons, we made it very clear why students need to know these terms.  Students are introduced to a variety of professions as they use AI and grammar to find solutions to example problems experienced by entrepreneurs and grassroots organizers. 

Excerpt from Conjunctions

What about other Subjects?

We support all teachers, even those we do not currently provide services for. 

Love the
Concept, but Teaching Different Content?

Many of Present Learning's resources can be adapted for different subject areas, and so we encourage all teachers to take a look at our content for inspiration. If you don't find what you are looking for on our site, we created a bank of high-quality resources to assist all teachers, regardless of their subject. Take a peek at our Teacher Toolkit for help creating materials that fit for your classroom. 

When We Share, Everyone Wins

Present Education aims to help build a more vibrant and collaborative learning community by providing teachers with the tools to do their jobs effectively.  We believe every teacher and student should have access to high-quality materials, and can provide a sliding payment scale for underserved schools and districts. Please inquire directly to find the plan that best suits your school's needs.


 If you would like to support this movement, and the creation of new materials and units, please contact us! 

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